The Marketing Team at North Kent College were delighted to win two awards at the College Marketing Network, FE First Awards 2018 on Monday 26th November held at The Hilton, Warwick.

The FE Firsts Awards form part of the College Marketing Network’s annual conference, which brings together college marketing professionals from across the country to share best practice.

The team took ‘Gold’ Award in the Innovation and Creativity category – which was for a project showcasing the whole college to potential students, developing a VR experience for use at external events and on social media. The judging panel said “the entry demonstrated clear and well thought out planning, including a recognition of the need for phased development and feedback and with ambitious aims to put the college at the technological forefront - a great example of innovation in action won the Gold Award for North Kent College”

The team also took home a ‘Highly Commended’ award for Internal Impact for a project leading on the branding, design and promotion of the new Atrium coffee shop for the college foyer. The project was intensely concentrated into a few weeks, and involved the team with staff across the college, external contractors and suppliers, as well as producing the branding and design internally and developing the social media platforms around the new service. 

Head of Marketing, Claire Shearwood Burton commented ‘Being the first year we have entered these awards, this is such a great achievement for our team and we are really proud to receive this recognition from the sector. It’s also great to see other College’s achievements and hear their success stories over the past year. This result will definitely spur us on to continue our advancement within innovation, creativity and all future marketing strategies.”