Why did you choose North Kent College?

When I was in year 11, it was one of the two highly recommended colleges we were told about. It was also easy to travel to as well. 

What would you say were the best three things about studying at NKC?

- Access to a variety of resources and the availability of them. 
- Constructive feedback given from the college tutors.
- The availability to have one to one discussions tutors on understanding something or needing help on any work.

How has North Kent College helped your career?

It allowed me to gain a job related to the college course I have studied. I started at my employment as a trainee production engineer and was a trainee for two years. Then once I had completed my course and my two years as a trainee, I then became a production engineer.

What's next for you?

To learn more whilst improving the skills I have, in order to move onto a higher job title with more responsibility.

Where do you now work? 

I work at Kentec Electronics Ltd as a production engineer. In the production engineering department we help with the day to day running of production by fixing any issues/problems that arise. Also building Test equipment to aid in both manual and automatic testing within production.

What has been your route getting to your current position?

I worked for two days a week in a solicitor firm in London whilst doing my electronics level 3 course. Once I completed the course my tutor told the class about various companies that wanted apprentices and trainees and I applied to them. I received an interview from Kentec electronics Ltd. and also completed a small multiple choice test. I was a trainee production engineer for two years whilst completing a HNC in Engineering course. I passed the course with a distinction. As I had passed my course and completed my two years as a trainee (in August 2016) my new job title was a production engineer.

Would you recommend studying at the college and why? 

I would recommend studying at the college because it is a helpful and encouraging environment with access to lots of resources. 

Describe your whole college experience and how it has enabled you to progress.

My whole college experience was interesting as I had been there 6 years and I was able to develop a wide variety of skills and use a number of different methods to prove I was competent in my chosen profession.