We work directly with schools, academies, trusts and key partners to provide information about the provisions we offer. Throughout the year we exhibit and give presentations at a number of events at schools throughout Kent and across the South-East. Pupils will have the opportunity to talk to a member of staff about the careers available to them and the courses we run. We also offer the opportunity for students to visit our college campuses located in Dartford, Gravesend and Tonbridge.

Secondary school boys posing for photo in tonbridge photostudio

Get in touch

If you are interested in arranging a school event or wish to order any more Full-Time course guides, please contact our Outreach team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Services we offer

    Assemblies, Presentations and Workshops

    If your school or pupils wish to know more about North Kent College, the subjects we teach and careers they can lead to, we are able to give dedicated presentations, interactive workshops or informative talks at your school. Whether this be a workshop with a small group of students interested in one subject or talking to a whole year group in an assembly, these talks aim to educate students about the study opportunities available at the College, the industries that the courses can lead on to, and student life at college.

    Campus Tours

    We offer Campus Tours to small groups of students who wish to visit the campus to see the broad range of facilities which we have available at our college campuses located in Dartford, Gravesend, and Tonbridge

    We like to add a special touch for our schools so we also offer:

    • Marketing Collateral – School Leavers’ Guides, brand new course offers, up-to-date information.
    • Regular VIP e-shots that keep you updated on college activities and how we can get involved and work alongside you and your students (i.e: taster days, Campus tours, bespoke events)


    Careers Advisor Phone Calls

    North Kent College has a team of qualified and experienced Careers Advisors who provide both current and prospective students with free, impartial advice and guidance and access to a range of careers information to meet their needs. We offer a welcoming and supportive environment in which students and prospective applicants can discuss opportunities, identify their skills, interests and abilities and make informed decisions about their future.

    Want to speak to one of our Careers Advisors?

    • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    • Telephone Number: 01322 629 515


    Higher Education Support

    In addition to the support, we provide for students leaving school and transitioning into college, we also support students in Years 12 and 13 who are interested in studying Higher Education. Please remember you can swap to college from Year 12 if you have begun at school and would like to move to a college course.

    If you’re interested in Higher Education and Degree Level courses, please contact our Outreach Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Year group information

    Information for Year 7 - Year 9

    We understand that you may already have an idea of what you’d like to do when you leave school which is great! You’ll be looking to choose your GCSE options in Year 9. This is down to a combination of things, including your own interests, which optional subjects your school allows you to choose, and your future plans.

    You’re in the driving seat now, and you’re beginning to shape your own education! This is the first time you can focus on the subjects you like the most and feel you will do well at.

    You should expect to take around nine subjects. Most courses and jobs you might want to apply for in the future require you to have grades between 9 and 4 in a minimum of five subjects.

    If you are keen to find out more information, please contact our Outreach Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Information for Year 10

    In Year 10 you will take your mock GCSE exams – you need to take these seriously. These are a great indicator of how you will do at GCSEs. These will inform which sets you get allocated to. Get motivated in Year 10. Get a revision timetable, revision guide and reading guides. This will help you with transition into Year 11. Do try to work some of the Summer and you will find Year 11 so much easier and you will be prepared for the next steps. Learn everything from Year 10 and this will really help and benefit you in the long run.

    If you are keen to find out more information, please contact our Outreach Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Information for Year 11

    Once you reach Year 11 – GCSEs are now on the horizon. With a few exceptions, the main exam GCSE period runs from May to June.

    Year 11 is important, but you must also look after yourself. Make sure you are organized and plan a timetable. Year 11 can be a busy and stressful time, but your Head of Year and Form Tutors will help you.

    You will need to start thinking about what your next steps are and leaving school could be one of those steps. We want to ensure you have gathered all the information you can in order to make those choices and be able to make the best and considered decision for your future.

    If you are keen to find out more information, please contact our Outreach Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Testimonials

    Hurstmere School for Boys, Year 10 Presentation

    "I was very excited to listen to a speaker from NKC College as she told me the many different paths we can take after Hurstmere."

    "It was a great experience and surprised me in a positive way - it completely changed my mind on college. I didn't know it was that fun and educational with all of its different courses."

    "The NK College talk was very insightful and I now have a better understanding of what my options are."

    St John's Catholic Comprehensive School, Parents Evening

    The NKC team attended our Year 11 Parents Evening. We received very positive feedback from parents and students alike, they felt well informed about what post-16 options are available and how to process applications. The staff were very approachable, and their visible attendance at the event was a fantastic addition, we wouldn’t hesitate to invite them back again.

    Kent Choices Event, Excel Centre

    The marketing team at North Kent College always ensure they attend events we run to promote their offer to young people. They are responsive and flexible to meet the needs of the event and venue.

  • How to apply

    If you already know what you'd like to do then wait no further, you can apply now on our website. 

  • Useful links