The Corporation Board comprises of 20 governors including:
The Chief Executive/Executive Principal
2 Student Governors
2 Staff Governors
15 External Governors
Our external Governors are drawn from business, professional, public sector and community backgrounds, who bring a range of skills and experience to the Board. In return, they find that the role of a Governor is very rewarding, as it brings them into contact with other individuals with a passion for the education and training sector. Our Corporation Board works as a team to set the strategic direction of the College.
Their responsibilities are to:
The Corporation Board meets regularly to review the College mission, consider strategic developments, systematically monitor college and management performance, review and monitor the implementation of a range of college policies, and ensure compliance with statutory requirements at all times. The Corporation is charged with developing an environment that enables the College to fulfil its mission, for the benefit of learners and the community.
The Corporations role is strategic, meaning that the members do not involve themselves in the day-to-day management of the College. The Principal, who is the Chief Executive Officer, has responsibilities dictated by statute and others delegated by the Corporation. The extent of this delegation is outlined in the document known as the Instruments and Articles of Government, which are available online.
The Corporation Board has scheduled meetings that take place throughout the academic year. In addition, if there are pressing matters, they may call extra ordinary Board meetings. The number of issues Governors need to discuss is immense, so to ensure that all of them are given proper consideration the Corporation Board have an Audit Committee (Statutory Requirement) and a Search, Governance & Remuneration Committee.
Audit Committee (Statutory)
Louis Jones - Chair
Mandeep Sahota
Sue Hubble
Martin Jenkins
Teja Biring
Rocksea Ogefere
Search, Governance & Remuneration Committee
Sarah Henwood - Chair
David Martin
Jane Spurgin
Louis Jones
David Gleed - For Search & Governance
Quality & Standards Committee
David Martin - Chair
David Gleed
Emma Cosby
Heidi King
Sue Hubble
Joanna Grant
Estates Strategy & Capital Projects Committee
Teja Biring - Chair
Louis Jones
Irene Redman
Jane Spurgin
Peter McGahan
David Gleed
Keith Norman (Co-opted Governor)
Corporation Board Meeting Schedule 2023/24
We are committed to openness and accountability and therefore have the minutes of the Board meetings and key documents available on our website, to ensure transparency. We are committed to the equality and diversity of all of our students, staff and stake holder.
pdf Search & Governance and Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference (192 KB)
document Audit Committee Terms of Reference - November 2023 (61 KB)
pdf Quality & Standards Committee Terms of Reference (186 KB)
pdf Estates Strategy & Capital Projects Committee Terms of Reference (199 KB)
We welcome applications to join the Board of Governors, from all members of the community. For more details on becoming a Governor, please read the information below.
Your involvement and contribution can help us to meet the needs of everyone in our community. The College values the voluntary contribution from individuals who are keen to participate in delivery of our educational excellence.
We are keen to encourage equality and diversity on our Corporation Board, both cultural diversity and vocational diversity are important to us. You may have experience in business, community services, industry, finance or legal practice. The broader your vocational experience the better for our Governing Body, to allow an informed decision-making process.
As well as your role benefiting the community, you will also have an opportunity to further develop your own skill base and CV. You will be given the appropriate training and support, to become fully effective and will be kept informed about emerging issues and trends.
If you are interested in finding out more, please email our Clerk to the Corporation This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Find out more about our Governors in the Governor Profiles section.
Our Ofsted results from our inspections are available for you to download from the Ofsted website.