Why haven’t I had an interview for my second, third or fourth choices?
You go through the interview process one course at a time. You can, at any point, call or email the admissions team to request a change to a different course or, you can request a change once you’ve completed the process for your first choice.
I can’t make my interview, can I reschedule for an evening or weekend?
We don’t conduct interviews on evenings or weekends but we will do our best to accommodate during the week.
When will my interview date be?
We aim to be in touch with an interview date within two weeks of you submitting an application.
What if it’s been two weeks and I haven’t had an interview date yet?
Be sure to check your junk mailbox as some email providers push our emails to the junk folder.
How many courses can I apply for?
There’s no limit to how many courses you can apply for but, if you apply for 10, you’re unlikely to make it through the process for all of them. Applying for 3 courses is ideal.
Can I bring a friend or parent?
At the moment, the majority of our interviews will be held remotely. If you are invited into the College it is advised you come alone so we can follow social distancing guidelines.
How will I know if I’ve been accepted?
If you have been accepted you will receive a course offer email. All offers are subject to entry criteria, found on the website, being met.
My friend has an interview date but I don’t, why haven’t I had one yet?
If you’ve applied for the same course at the same time and haven’t heard anything within two weeks it’s advised you contact the Admissions Team. If you’ve applied for different course to your friend and it’s within the two week window we could be arranging one for you. It’s also advised that you check your junk mail folder just in case.
What are the entry requirements for the course?
All entry requirements are available against the course description on the College Website.
How can I apply for a course?
You can apply via the North Kent College website, the Kent Choices website or you can collect a paper application from the College campus and send it back to us.