Full-time FE and part-time courses

GCSE Results Day  Thursday 22nd August 2024
Term 1 9th September - 19th December
Half Term 28th October – 1st November
Christmas Break 20th December - 5th January
Term 2 6th January- 4th April
Staff Training Day Wednesday 12th February 
Half Term 17th February - 21st February
Easter Weekend (Half Term) 7th April - 21st April
Term 3 22nd April - 20th June
Half Term 26th May - 30th May

Note: The dates published above are a guideline only. Please refer to your tutor for your course’s academic schedule, including examination dates.

Full-time FE and part-time courses

GCSE Results Day Thursday 21st August 2025
Term 1 8th September - 18th December
Half Term 20th October – 24th October
Christmas Break 19th December - 4th January
Term 2 5th January - 2nd April
Staff Training Day Wednesday 11th February 
Half Term 16th February - 20th February
Easter Break 3rd April - 17th April
Term 3 20th April - 15th June
Half Term 25th May - 29th May

Higher Education

Term 1 22nd September - 18th December 
Half Term 20th October - 24th October
Term 2 12th January - 2nd April
Half Term 16th February - 20th February
Easter Weekend 3rd April - 17th April
Term 3 20th April -  15th May

Note: The dates published above are a guideline only. Please refer to your tutor for your course’s academic schedule, including examination dates.

pdf 2024-25 Academic Calendar (117 KB)

  pdf 2025 - 26 Academic Calendar (114 KB)