Sileena Farrell, NKC student flexing her muscles whilst being photgraphed


Sileena Farrell studied Level 3 Sport and Exercise Science at North Kent College from 2020 to 2022, and it has lead her on quite a path. At the time of writing she is in USA on a Track and Field Scholarship.

Here we find out more about her time at North Kent College and what she is doing now:

Why did you choose North Kent College?

I didn’t want to go to Sixth Form and wanted to get a qualification that I could use and I want to become a Sport Physiotherapist. Having a qualification in PT can help pave that.

What would you say were the best three things about studying at North Kent College?

  • Encouragement from the teachers.
  • The variety of coursework for the course.
  • The practical aspect of the course.

How has North Kent College helped your career?

It will help pave the way to becoming a physiotherapist and can help me earn money while studying to gain my physiotherapist degree.

Where do you now work and what’s next for you?

I am currently studying in America on a Track and Field Scholarship but at the end of my four years I and hoping to use my degree to help continue my path to becoming a physiotherapist. On top of that I also have a goal to become an Olympic athlete.

What has been your route getting to your current position? 

I was scouted and offered this opportunity.

Would you recommend studying at the College and why? 

I would. If you are sure about what you want to do with your futur,e going to college can help you get that specific qualification.

Describe your whole college experience and how it has enabled you to progress.

Overall I loved it, I was studying a course I was actually interested in and knew I would use later in life and I liked the different aspects of the course.

What would be the piece of advice you would give to someone thinking of coming to college or specifically coming to North Kent College?

Be consistent, stay motivated and stay disciplined.

Sileena Farrell studied Level 3 Sport and Exercise Science at North Kent College between 2020 and 2022. To find out more visit the Sports Coaching and Performance subject page.