We are proud of our past students and staff who have graduated or worked with us over the last 5 years. This page recognises their achievements as they share their success stories and hope to inspire the younger generation to aspire and achieve big. We can't wait to see what you will achieve!
"Not much of a swimmer but the course taught me everything I need to know and gave me much more confidence."
Introduction of a Parish Apprenticeship Scheme has enabled the Council to benefit from the enthusiasm and commitment of young people while they obtain valuable skills and experience. We feel this is a great programme to offer the local community and we hope many more will benefit from it.
My time at Miskin was unbelievable. It was the best 3 years of education in my life, and they really helped me find myself and my passion for acting. I cannot speak highly enough of the acting course tutors, they spent so much time to make sure each actor felt cared for & pushed every single one of us to the max to make sure we achieved the best we could. Forever grateful to them!