Meeting Minutes
Please note that minutes from meetings held before 14th September 2015 will be for the College's previous name of North West Kent College
- 2024/2025
- 2023/2024
- 2022/2023
- 2020/2021
- 2018/2019
- 2016/2017
- 2015/2016
- 2014/2015
- 2013/2014
AoC English Code of Governance
(adopted by the Board Dec 2012)
pdf The English Colleges Foundation Code of Governance (119 KB)
Instruments and Articles of Government
pdf Instrument and Articles of Government May 2020 (269 KB)
Public Access to Meetings
(Abstract from Standing Orders, January 2011)
- Members of the public may be admitted to meetings of the Corporation for Part A items only. However, limitations of space dictate that the Corporation may, at its discretion, restrict the numbers of the public to be admitted. It also reserves the right to require non-members to leave a meeting, should their conduct be decreed by a majority of members, to be disruptive or inappropriate.
- No member(s) of the public, Staff or Student Members will be entitled to attend any meetings of Standing Committees of the Corporation, unless they are Members of that Committee, or are invited specifically to do so by the Standing Committee concerned.
NOTE: ‘Members of the Public’ shall be defined as anyone who is NOT a Member of the Corporation or the Clerk to the Corporation.