1. Personal details

Application Form

Application Form

You are applying for Business (D9D121P)

You are applying for an A Level. Please select up to 3 more A Levels to add to your application.

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Personal details

Please select your title
Please enter your family name
Please enter your given names
Please enter your preferred given name
Please enter your email address
Please select your date of birth
Please select your gender
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Please select your nationality
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Application Form

Address details

Please enter the first line of your address
Please enter your town
Please enter your county
Please enter your postcode
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Please enter your mobile number
Application Form
Please select if you are in the care of the Local Authority or Leaving Care Team
Please select your current situation
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Application Form

Emergency contact details

Please select your contact's title
Please enter your contacts surname
Please enter your contacts first name
Please select your contact's relationship
Please enter your contact's telephone number
Please enter your contact's mobile number
Please enter your emergency contacts email
Application Form

Learning difficulty, disability or health problem

Please select if you were subject to a "statement of special educational needs" / LDA / EHCP while at school
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Application Form


Below are the only Qualifications we need to know about now. You can give further Qualifications at Interview stage.

If you are yet to take an exam please enter the grade you expect to achieve.

GCSE Mathematics

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Please enter your GCSE Mathematics grade

GCSE English Language

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Please enter your GCSE English Language grade

GCSE English Literature

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Please enter your GCSE English Literature grade

Other qualifications

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Subject Grade
Application Form



Please enter what career you eventually hope to follow
Application Form

Supplementary information

Please select the school you attended
Please tell us which school you attended
Please select if you have any criminal convictions or have received a reprimand/warning from the police.
Please agree to the terms and conditions, and privacy statement
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