Business & Related Research Professionals


Business and related research professionals carry out a variety of research activities for the broadcast and print media, for the police and armed forces intelligence services, for national security agencies and in other non-scientific areas.


  • Liaises with production team to generate and develop ideas for film, television and radio programmes

  • Research sources for accurate factual material, finds suitable contributors to programmes or print features and deals with any copyright issues

  • Briefs presenters, scriptwriters or journalists as required via verbal or written reports

  • Provides administrative support for programme development such as booking facilities

  • Provides support to criminal intelligence or to military or other security operations by gathering and verifying intelligence data and sources

  • Presents findings in the required format, via written reports or presentations

  • Researches images for clients in a wide range of media using specialist picture libraries and archives, museums, galleries etc., or commissions new images

  • Liaises with client on the appropriate image/s to be used

  • Deals with copyright issues and negotiates fees.

Educational Requirements

Entrants usually possess a degree or equivalent qualification. Training is usually provided on-the-job, or support may be given for postgraduate study. Professional qualifications are available in some areas.