Assemblers (electrical & Electronic Products)


Assemblers (electrical and electronic products) wire prepared parts and/or sub-assemblies in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment, make coils and wiring harnesses and assemble previously prepared parts in the batch or mass production of electrical and electronic goods and components


  • Examines drawings, specifications and wiring diagrams to identify appropriate materials and sequence of operations selects, cuts and connects wire to appropriate terminals by crimping or soldering positions and secures switches, transformers, tags, valve holders or other parts and connects capacitors, resistors, transistors or sub-assemblies to appropriate terminals by soldering lays out and secures wire to make harnesses and operates machine to wind heavy and light coils of wire or copper for transformers, armatures, rotors, stators and light electrical equipment assembles previously prepared electrical or electronic components by winding, bolting, screwing or otherwise fastening using an assembly machine or hand tools

Educational Requirements

There are no formal academic entry requirements. Training is typically provided on-the-job, supplemented by short courses. NVQs/SVQs in Electronic Product Assembly are available at Level 1.