The start of exam season calls for some helpful and easy to follow study and exam tips. Exams cause a sense of stress and anxiety in the minds of students but there are many ways to manage your studies and ace those exams.

Here are 5 simple tips for a successful and a calmer exam season:

  1. Stay Organised… The clearer your study plan is the clearer your mind will be. Make a plan of action for the week ahead and try not to cram!
  1. Breaks are important… Make sure you take regular breaks. You could watch an episode of a show, go for a walk, or have some food. These will all help you to focus when you have to and relax when you don’t.
  1. Keep a routine… Prepare a routine for studying and your exam day that will make you comfortable. We are all different and finding the best routine to keep your anxiety down is key.
  1. Stay connected… Studying with friends and talking to family members will make sure you feel supported throughout exam season. You are not going through this alone, sharing concerns and questions with friends can help you feel more prepared for exam day.
  1. Reward yourself… Treat yourself with something you love after a good revision session or a difficult exam. This will help you stay positive and calm during the exam season.

Ultimately stay calm and focused, enjoy this time and be proud of how far you have come. Good luck everyone!