This Blue Monday we have decided to share our top tips for beating those Monday blues! We understand that as a student Mondays may not be your favourite day of the week, but we have some helpful tips to make the transition for weekend to weekday just a little easier…

  1. Plan for the week

Starting the new week with a plan is a great idea! On Sunday you may be dreading the next day as you know there’s a lot of college work to be done that week, if you make a solid plan the workload on Monday won’t feel so daunting.

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast (or any breakfast at all)

To start the week off right, you need to start the day off right! Being hungry can lead to a lack of concentration, sluggishness and behavioural problems, so why not ensure you have the best chance of a great day and don’t skip out on breakfast.

  1. Make sure you’re well rested

Getting a good night’s sleep on Sunday can set you up for a great week. Don’t start the week feeling tired, make sure you get the recommended 8 hours (or close to) particularly on Sunday night.

  1. Look forward to Mondays

Schedule in something you love on Monday! Distributing your workload over the week will allow you more free time on a Monday to do something you enjoy. Make time to read your favourite book, see your friends or get caught up with that TV show everyone is talking about.

  1. Stay positive

Manifest a positive week but staying upbeat on Monday! Changing the mindset on Monday could kick start you to a productive, enjoyable week.

We hope these tips have helped you turn the Monday blues into something more positive! However, we do know college comes with more independence and therefore more responsibility and we know that sometimes life in general can be difficult. Therefore, we do provide counselling sessions and support for any student who needs it. You can find out more here