The start of exam season calls for a simple how to guide for staying calm during exam season. Exams cause a sense of stress and anxiety in the minds of students but there are many ways to manage your studies, stay calm and get the best results this year.

Preparation is key!

Having a plan is vital to a stress-free exam season! If you schedule and plan your time wisely, you won’t end up cramming and stressing yourself out. Make a study plan and stick to it the best you can.

Keep a routine

Be sure to keep a routine whilst you study, taking regular breaks and working at specific times during the day. This will make it easier to get into the habit of revising and make sure you have time to relax too.

Stay organised

By organising your study space, folders and revision you’ll be able to keep on top of everything you have coming up and help you stay calm and collected.

Don’t do it alone

You may forget it but everyone in your class is in the same boat as you! Reach out to them, share study tips, and motivate each other. Don’t be afraid to ask your tutors for tips and advice too.

Most importantly enjoy this time and be proud of how far you have come. Good luck everyone!