Student s marching

The 1 year NCFE Level 2 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services prepares students for entry into the Public Services such as the Police Service, Fire & Rescue Service, Armed Forces, Prison and Border Force. This course provides an ideal opportunity to explore the service you would like to join. You will improve your knowledge and fitness levels and will gain a qualification which you can use to apply for training or for further study.

The course consists of 9 units.

Units: Investigate Employment in the Uniformed Services Explore Aspects of Physical Fitness Develop Team Working and Problem Solving Skill Carry out Map Reading and Navigation Participate in Adventurous Activities Show an Understanding of Health and Safety and Hygiene Follow Uniformed Services Routine Exploring Equality and Diversity Explore Volunteering and Volunteering Opportunities

The NCFE programme will use continuous assessment rather than examinations and you will be able to track your performance as you work towards your targets. You will be encouraged to manage your own assessments and identify where you have met the required standards. Methods of assessment may include web blogs, presentations, practical demonstrations, posters, reports, leaflets, interviews and discussions. To facilitate assessment, you will be expected to devote personal time for your studies.

The programme is taught through theoretical and practical training sessions supported by functional skills. Each lesson will provide you with assessment opportunities as you work to achieve your goals and targets. You will need an active passion for the public services and your tutors will encourage you to discuss your own achievements as well as the issues in society.

During the course, there will be opportunities to achieve other qualifications in addition to your main programme. These additional qualifications may include functional skills, first aid, and customer services.

Our Study Programme includes opportunities for you to develop your English and Maths skills as required. You may be expected to complete either functional skills or GCSE qualifications as part of your course depending on your GCSE results.

Course options




Level 2


Full Time




1 Year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    NCFE Level 2 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services

  • Entry Requirements

    4 GCSEs grade 3 or above (including English and Maths) or NCFE Level 1 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services (or equivalent). Successful applicants must be willing to be involved in all aspects of the course: practical sessions and working with the public.

  • What progression options will I have?

    The majority of learners progress onto a Level 3 course in Uniformed Services. If you want to progress into employment the following areas may be suitable: Police Service, Fire & Rescue Service, Armed Forces, Prison and Border Force.

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £1650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £120

  • How will I be assessed?

    Methods of assessment may include: web blogs, presentations, practical demonstrations, posters, reports, leaflets, interviews and discussions.