As a college student, sometimes workload and social activities can cause a little (or a lot) of stress. So, what can you do to unwind when you feel stressed? We’ve compiled 5 simple and practical ways to chill out and relax.

As a college student, sometimes workload and social activities can cause a little (or a lot) of stress. So, what can you do to unwind when you feel stressed? We’ve compiled 5 simple and practical ways to chill out and relax.

1. Go Outdoors

Being outside in the fresh air and simply going for a walk can help lower your stress levels. It can help clear your head and make you more aware of the sights and sounds around you!

  1. Be Creative

You may already have a creative outlet that allows you to stay calm or you may not have found that creative escape yet. Why not try something new? Draw, knit, paint, take photographs, play an instrument – the options are endless!

  1. Stay in Contact with Friends

One simple call to your friend or family member can quickly improve your mood or alleviate some worries. It is a great opportunity to talk about how you’re feeling and get advice from the people that know you best.

  1. Exercise

Being active is not only good for your physical health but can have great benefits for your mental health too, keeping you calm and relaxed. It doesn’t have to be strenuous activity – have you tried yoga or Pilates?

  1. Make Time for Fun

Don’t forget to do the things you love. That may be something as simple as reading a book or riding your bike or going to the movies with friends. A great way to forget about something which is making you stressed is to get lost in something else!

We hope these tips are helpful to you and college life is a stress-free as possible!

However, we do know college comes with more independence and therefore more responsibility and we know that sometimes life in general can be difficult. Therefore, we do provide counselling sessions and support for any student who needs it. You can find out more here.