Collecting your GCSE Results can be a daunting and scary moment, but don’t panic. Whatever the piece of paper says inside that envelope, there will be a career path for you and North Kent College can help!

We provide plenty of paths for you to continue your education and achieve the results you want in the future. To make things a bit easier for you, here is some questions you may have after opening your GCSE results:

What if I did not achieve a grade 4 in English or maths?

Not to worry, you can study English and/or maths alongside your course to ensure you have those qualifications before you leave North Kent College. If your Grade is a 2 or below, you will be required to undertake functional skills whilst at college, this teaches the understanding of English and maths but through a vocational context.

I have changed my mind, I don’t want to stay at school, and I want to come to college, what now?

We can help you with that! If you have not already applied, we will be running GCSE Results Information Days on, Thursday 25th August (GCSE results day) and Friday 26th August, from 10am-4pm. These days will allow you to talk to our tutors and careers team to find the best option for you.

I did not get the grades I was hoping for, can I still come to college?

We have many different options for students of all levels. With courses starting from Entry Level, we will try our best to find the right option for you to progress. Join us at our GCSE Information Days to discuss your options at North Kent College.

What if I am unable to make it to the GCSE Results Information Days?

No need to panic! You can call us from Monday 5th September – Thursday 8th September, if you miss the above GCSE Results information events and our team will advise you further on your next steps.

We look forward to welcoming you to North Kent College in September! See you soon