Are you in Year 11 and wondering if sixth form or college would be the right option for you? Then, we hope the information provided will help you to make the decision for your next important steps. 

We understand that making the choice to leave school can be difficult for some especially when you don’t understand what is being offered to you and how it can help you in the future.

At North Kent College, we provide vocational courses, opposed to academic courses (like A- Levels). Our vocational courses offer a hands-on approach to learning. However, all our Level 3s are the equivalent of A Levels, which means you will still be able to choose multiple pathways and progression routes. We also offer Apprenticeships; T Levels and you can progress onto university or go straight into employment once finishing a course with us.

What is the difference between vocational and academic courses?

Vocational courses take practical and hands-on approaches, teaching skills like plumbing, woodwork, computer programming, hairdressing, film editing and so much more. Academic courses lean towards the theoretical, and consider more traditional subjects like English literature, History, Geography and Mathematics.

Vocational courses also arm you with the essential skills employers are looking for and need within their business. Vocational courses allow you to start work at 18 or give you the option to progress onto university if you want to continue expanding your knowledge and skills.

Find out more about our vocational course offer here.

What are T Levels (Technical Levels)?

T Levels are new courses for 16–18-year-olds which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A levels. These 2-year courses have been developed working with employers so that the content meets the needs of industry and prepares students for skilled employment, higher study, or apprenticeships.

T Levels offer students a mixture of classroom learning and ‘on-the-job’ experience during an industry placement of at least 315 hours (approximately 45 days). Students get valuable experience in the workplace and employers get early sight of the new talent in their industry.

Find out more about our T Level offer here.

How can I study an Apprenticeship at North Kent College?

Apprenticeships are open to anyone who is 16 years old and over, has a right to work in England and is not in full time education. There is no upper age limit and available to anyone whether starting out on their career or for those who have been working for some time.

  • There are several different ways you can find an apprenticeship. Finding one can be the same as a finding a normal job, so it is important to make sure that you give yourself the best opportunity to be successful in your search.
  • We work with many employers that recruit apprentices all throughout the year so why not visit and browse our current opportunities on our Apprenticeship Vacancy Page to view the current live vacancies
  • Register yourself on the Government Website Find an Apprenticeship, GOV - Find an apprenticeship - GOV.UK ( The Government website allows you to search and apply for live vacancies available in different industries, locations or levels.
  • Visiting Company Based Websites as you may already have a particular company in mind, it’s worth looking at their website or social media feeds to find out if they are advertising any Apprenticeship Vacancies,
  • Contacting employers directly and asking if they have considered supporting an Apprenticeship

Contact our helpful and friendly Apprenticeship Team for any Advice and Guidance.

Find out more about apprenticeships here.

North Kent College have  hundreds of courses to choose from covering subjects from Arts, Business and Computing, Construction and Engineering, Sport, Hospitality and Service Industries.

We want all our students to get the most out of their education which is why we have invested substantially in industry standard facilities across all of our campuses, you’ll get a true experience of the equipment that they you may be using in your future career. Also, many of our tutors have worked in the industry or sector that they specialise in, so you will learn from the very best and get a head start with some key industry connections. 

Take a look at our 2023 School Leavers’ Guide here to give you some inspiration and to help you make a considered choice.

Give us a call to find out more but if you like what you see – then why not apply for North Kent College today? We are happy to help, just call 01322 629400 for more information.