Let’s start with the basics, what is an alumni? 

An Alumni of a college, university, or school is a former student who has attended and then graduated after completing their course; the word is Latin and simply means student.  

It is highly likely that your school, college, or university has an Alumni network whether it is a formal one or not. They may run dedicated pages on social media such as LinkedIn or Facebook with the purpose of connecting old friends, arranging reunions, or putting people in contact for business purposes.  

Another reason institute’s build an Alumni Network is to showcase their success stories to represent the achievements their students go on to make, this can boost the Alumni’s profile and inspire the next generation! 

If you’re a past student of North Kent College, then feel free to join our Alumni Network and you have the opportunity to join our LinkedIn Alumni account.

Also, if you’re a past staff member of North Kent College and you would like to get involved and offer your support to the next generation of students get in touch today!