The UAL Level 4 Creative Media Programme offers students the opportunity to develop their skills and understanding of contemporary media practice. Practical applications are underpinned by contextual and vocational studies, which will inform the development of a specialist portfolio. The qualification is designed for students who have ambitions to develop their media practice towards the realisation of employment, higher education, or freelance opportunities.
You will be expected to conceive, plan, and produce a series of creative projects, dependent on your established ability and the professional direction you intend to take. Typical project work might include the development of specialist web content using either video, radio, podcast, written and/or other visual formats.
The aims of these qualifications are to enable students to:
Demonstrate awareness of the different perspectives, approaches and ethics within diverse creative practice.
Research, analyse and evaluate relevant information as part of their creative practice.
Understand, adapt and safely use appropriate practical methods and skills for creative practice and production.
Explore solutions to complex problems through the application of practical, theoretical and technical understanding.
Take responsibility for research, planning and time management to access and action progression opportunities.
Use critically evaluative and reflective skills in order to take responsibility for own learning, development and decision making.
Effectively communicate and present ideas and creative practice to appropriate audiences.
You should also arrive prepared with a developed career plan and the ability to work self-directed.
Course options
Level 4Mode
Full TimeCampus
1 YearStarting
What qualification will I gain?
UAL Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
Entry Requirements
Applicants must be 18 years or older and have achieved a Level 3 Extended Diploma in the Creative Industries with at least Merit grade, or a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Media, A-Levels (C and above, including Media). GCSE English at minimum Grade 4 or equivalent and ideally maths at a grade 4 or equivalent. You must also have:
A passion for Creative Media A desire to work with Digital Media Products A willingness to learn, experiment and develop your skills and the motivation to work independently and in groups on practical projects.
You will be asked to attend an interview where you will be required to bring a proposal. Details of what task you will need to prepare will be sent to you once you have applied.
What progression options will I have?
Higher Education, studying on BA Hons and Foundation Degree level programmes. Routes directly into junior positions within the industry and apprenticeships.
What costs are involved?
Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ -5400 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £190 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.
How will I be assessed?
The course is made up of three main units. All units are assessed on project based work. Unit 1 & 3 are assessed on a pass or fail basis and unit 4 will be assessed as either a Pass, Merit or Distinction.
Students will receive ongoing feedback to help track their progress, set targets and ensure that they are on track to achieve. Final unit feedback is awarded at the end of each project, helping to outline areas for improvement, strengths and overall effectiveness.