The QAA are the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. The QAA safeguard standards and improve the quality of UK higher education and carry out reviews of Higher Education providers. More information about their work can be found on the QAA website.

In October 2014 the QAA reviewed higher education provision at North Kent College under the Review of College Higher Education (RCHE) method. The review was very positive and the College was judged to “Meet UK Expectations” in all areas. A copy of the report is available below.

As a result of the successful review the College has been awarded the QAA Quality Mark which indicates higher education providers that meet UK quality standards.

External Examiner Reports

The role of external examiners is to assure the quality of students' learning experiences and ensure that students are assessed fairly, both in relation to other students on the same course but also to students in other Higher Education Institutions nationally.

External examiners are expected to make an annual report to the University and they have licence to comment on all aspects of the degree programme, including its staffing and teaching. 

This web page contains reports from North Kent College's external examiners relating to awards delivered at our Higher Education Centre and we hope that you find this information of interest. 
