Students in gym

This NCFE Level 2 Diploma in Sport (Exercise & Fitness) course consists of 7 units all of which are taught in both a practical and theoretical context.

  • Developing Sporting Skills & Tactical Awareness

  • Development of Personal Fitness through Training

  • Introduction to Healthy Exercise & Nutrition

  • Lifestyle & the Sports Performer

  • Participating in Sport

  • Plan, Deliver & Evaluate an Activity Session

  • Sports Coaching

Our Study Programme includes opportunities for you to develop your English and Maths skills as required. You may be expected to complete either functional skills or GCSE qualifications as part of your course depending on your GCSE results.

Course options




Level 2


Full Time




1 Year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    NCFE L2 Diploma in Sport (Exercise & Fitness)

  • Entry Requirements

    4 GCSE's grade A*-E (9-3) these must include Maths and/or English: or Level 1 Diploma in Active Sport & Leisure

  • What progression options will I have?

    Completion of the level 2 course can lead to progression onto a level 3 program within the college or more specifically the NCFE Level 3 Certificate in Sport

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £1650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £120

  • How will I be assessed?

    A wide variety of assessments will be used. The NCFE programme will use continuous assessment rather than examinations and you will be able to track your performance as you work towards your targets and goals.