This Level 3 programme is aimed at students wishing to pursue an academic route into university or to achieve as high a qualification as they can at college to enable fast track into employment. The course consists of a wide range of 18 units of study, over 2 years, in subjects such as; Fitness Testing, Anatomy and Physiology, Analysis of Sports Performance, Sports Coaching, Organising Sports Events/Outdoor Activities, Sports Development, Exercise, Health & Lifestyle, Practical Individual Sports and Current Issues in Sport. This course also offers access to the NKC Football Academy for Boy’s and Girl’s teams. Learners wishing to improve their football skills and performance will access 3 training sessions per week and football fixtures on Wednesdays in the U19 KSFA League and National Football Youth League. The NCFE programme will use continuous assessment through theory and practical methods. You will be able to track your performance as you work towards Pass, Merit or Distinction grades, although Distinction is what every student should be aiming to achieve at the end of this course.
Course options
Level 3Mode
Full TimeCampus
2 YearsStarting