
With summer or post-college jobs on the horizon, you may be wondering how to create a CV which will make you stand out to employers.

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As Women in Engineering Day is being celebrated on June 23rd this year and we have aspiring female engineers on our courses at North Kent College, we thought it would be fitting to recognize the work of 5 influential female engineers.

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Did you know that many aspects of the College are open to the public? From our fantastic restaurants and professional salons to our Miskin theatre and radio station, you can support the progression of our students whilst having a great experience.

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T Levels are new courses which follow GCSEs and are equivalent to 3 A Levels. They are 2-year courses which have been developed in collaboration with employers and they are designed to be the gold standard technical option for young people aged 16-19. They meet the needs of the industry and prepare students for work, future training or study. 

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North Kent College offers Public Services course, which provide you with the personal skills, experience and knowledge to succeed in many uniformed services roles.

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The start of exam season calls for some helpful and easy to follow study and exam tips. Exams cause a sense of stress and anxiety in the minds of students but there are many ways to manage your studies and ace those exams.

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An industry that holds some of the most recognisable names and faces can sometimes only be considered for their talent on the pitch.

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Our Level 3 Motorsport course offers so many great opportunities to students both during and after the course – ex-student Sophie Bull shares her success with us – we’re so happy to hear how she has succeeded post North Kent College!

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National Apprenticeships Week 2022 is taking place from 7th-13th February 2022 and is the 15th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships. The week brings together businesses and apprentices across the country to shine a light on the positive impact that apprenticeships make to individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

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