
The start of exam season calls for a simple how to guide for staying calm during exam season. Exams cause a sense of stress and anxiety in the minds of students but there are many ways to manage your studies, stay calm and get the best results this year.

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Taking your first steps into the music industry can be an intimidating experience. However, if you can master the art of networking this will be a valuable skill to support you through the industry. You’ll begin to meet fellow artists and nurture relationships to make a beneficial connection that could support you in building a successful career.  

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Make-up artists are extremely important to any production and are brilliant professionals in their field. As we have fantastic Make-Up courses here at North Kent College and many students who decide to pursue Theatrical/Movie Make-Up, we decided to put together a list of influential Make-Up artists to inspire the next generation!

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International Dance Day is an annual movement organised by the International Theatre Institute that aims to encourages people to embrace dance as a fun way to promote your health and wellbeing as well as raising awareness on dance across the world - bridging cultural, political and language barriers by bringing people together through the medium of dance.

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The change from secondary school to college can be a confusing time for both student and parent so we want to try and answer as many of your questions as we can by creating a simple and informative guide!

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As it gets closer to exam season you can start to feel the pressure and stress building up and we thought to mark this year’s National Tea Day it would be beneficial to share some amazing herbal teas that have been said to soothe stress and keep anxiety levels down. Exams can be slightly overwhelming, so try one of these teas next time you revise or are feeling anxious…

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Did you know that at North Kent College we offer a range of Higher Education programmes including a HNC in Computing? You may be wondering what this is or why you should take it, so we are here to answer some questions…

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At North Kent College, we think it is extremely important to celebrate student successes in and out of the College environment! To showcase this, meet Holly and Nicole, two of our Sporting students with amazing achievements…

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Here at North Kent College, we have electrical installation courses where learners can advance their understanding of the techniques and practices used within the Electrical and Building Service industries. Here are a few simple electrical tips we would like to share with you.

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