
At North Kent College, we have introduced Construction, Engineering and Manufacturing T Level qualifications starting in September 2022 and Education and Childcare, Healthcare and Legal Services T Level qualifications starting in September 2023. But what exactly are T-Levels? Find out the answers to key questions below:

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The World Health Organisation recognises World Mental Health Day on 10th October every year. World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma.

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Being sustainable and good for the environment is more important than ever before. This is particularly true in the construction industry with new emerging eco-trends to explore. Read more below as we explain some of the science behind the sustainable construction sector.

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If you are in Year 12 and are having second thoughts about sixth form, don’t worry as you can still join us this September at North Kent College at our Dartford, Gravesend or Tonbridge campuses.

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Are you ready to start a new year at North Kent College? If it is your first year with us or you are a returning student, we are sharing some good habits to help all students ace this year at college.

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If you cast your mind back to just over 3 weeks ago when the nation witnessed the biggest achievement for women’s football in 56 years… The Lionesses, winning the Euros 2022!  They inspired generations with their determination and resilience, could this be you?

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Collecting your GCSE Results can be a daunting and scary moment, but don’t panic. Whatever the piece of paper says inside that envelope, there will be a career path for you and North Kent College can help!

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Let’s start with the basics, what is an alumni? 

An Alumni of a college, university, or school is a former student who has attended and then graduated after completing their course; the word is Latin and simply means student.  

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Although starting College is fun and exciting, it can also be daunting if you are not prepared, but do not worry! North Kent College has you covered and some top tips to make sure you are ready to start with us in September.

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