Here at The Miskin Theatre, we offer a UAL Level 4 Professional Diploma in Performance (Dance & Musical Theatre) which is a unique, one-year full-time training programme. This course will allow performers to learn and refine new skills throughout their timetabled classes whilst expanding their industry knowledge and performing experience. Our excellent facilities provide an inspirational environment where learners can thrive as a part of our outstanding department.

The training and timetable are designed to challenge the individual, allowing them the opportunity to participate in a range of classes such as ballet, contemporary, jazz and tap, alongside musical theatre, singing and acting to expand their skill set and to maximise potential. Opportunities to perform at our in-house theatre twice yearly, and other external events, such as Move It and Chance2Dance ensure that the students get to utilise the skills they are learning in their classes and put them into practice whilst increasing their performance experience.

Emphasis is placed on self-reflection and evaluation throughout the duration of the course to allow students to develop a thorough understanding of how to improve their practice, tools which are necessary when preparing and working as a professional performer. Learning how to conduct themselves as a professional throughout rehearsals is of utmost importance and taking masterclasses with guest teachers who are currently working in the industry gives them excellent opportunities to do so, whilst also under the guidance of the core faculty.

Students of eighteen years and under who did not achieve grades 4-9 in either English or Maths will be required to attend classes alongside their chosen vocational studies. Successful completion of all three units is mandatory to be awarded the UAL Level 4 Professional Diploma.

All assignments are modelled on professional practice to develop the performer.

Unit 1: Applied Professional Practice. Unit 2: Specialist Performance Technique. Unit 3: Specialist Performance Project.

Units 1 and 2 are graded at Pass or Fail only and the overall qualification is graded based on Unit 3 at either Fail, Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Course options




Level 4


Full Time




1 Year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    UAL L4 Professional Diploma in Performance

  • Entry Requirements

    Applicants must be 18 years or older and have achieved a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Performing Arts at merit grade or, A-Levels (C and above, including Performing Arts). Ideally GCSE English and Maths at minimum Grade 4 or equivalent.
    Applicants will audition and interview for a place on this Level 4 course. You will be asked to take part in a workshop and the outcome of your audition/interview will be assessed, and staff will let you know if you have been successful.

  • What progression options will I have?

    Progression onto Vocational Dance and Musical Theatre schools and colleges or university, for example, Bird College, Laines Theatre Arts, Performers College, Trinity Laban, Urdang, and Chichester, Bath Spa and Roehampton Universities. Working in the industry

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ Advanced Learning Loan - £4650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £190 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.

  • How will I be assessed?

    This qualification is assessed through two internally assessed and verified units (Unit 1 & 2), which are subject to quality assurance by UAL Awarding Body and one internally assessed and verified unit (Unit 3) which is marked at Fail, Pass, Merit or Distinction. This will give your qualification grade