
This is an introductory course aimed at learners who are new to the subject area and wish to explore a range of materials and techniques in a fun and creative manner. This is studio environment and a more creative atmosphere to school and is suitable for those people who would like a change in their environment to one which is supportive, fun and creative.

You will be introduced to a range of media including pastels, relief, print-making, sculpture, feltmaking, paint, ink, scuplture and more. We will also be creative with a time-based piece of work. You will go on gallery trips and visit creative establishments to aid with your learning along the way. Our Education Programme includes opportunities for you to develop your English and maths skills as required, depending on your GCSE results upon entry.

Course options




Level 1


Full Time




1 year





  • What qualification will I gain?

    UAL Level 1 Diploma in Art, Design & Media

  • Entry Requirements

    3 GCSE’s at Grade 2 or above . You will need a positive school report/recommendation/reference from your school/tutor.

  • What progression options will I have?

    L2 Art, L2 Photography, L2 Fashion based on interest , attendance, portfolio and gaining a Merit at L1.

  • What costs are involved?

    Tuition Fees: 16-18 - free 19+ - £1650 Exam and Registration Fees (payable by all aged 19 and over): £170 This course may also attract additional costs, for example, kit, uniform or books, that all students will be required to pay. Please contact the College for further details.

  • How will I be assessed?

    Project based continuous assessment plus Final Major Project which gives the final grade for the qualification.