The BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Information & Creative Technology is a generic all round ICT programme for those who do not know what they want to do, but want a qualification that covers a wide variety of ICT topics such as Website Development, Database Development, Multimedia Products Development and Installing and Maintaining Computer hardware.
The qualification has been developed to:
- inspire and enthuse learners to become technology savvy
- explore the fundamentals of technology and gain the practical skills, knowledge and understanding to make:
- information technology systems and products, e.g. a software program
- creative technology products, e.g. a digital animation
- products that combine information technology and creative technology, e.g. a website and a mobile app The mandatory units include the following:
- Two externally assessed units; Unit 1 The Online World, Unit 2 Technology Systems and Unit 3 the Digital Portfolio.
This new suite introduces features to meet the needs of educators, employers and the external environment. They are fully aligned with requirements for progression - to further study at level 3, into an apprenticeship or into the workplace.
Our Study Programme includes opportunities for you to develop your English and Maths skills as required. You may be expected to complete either functional skills or GCSE qualifications as part of your course depending on your GCSE results.
This course includes the opportunity to take part in an industry placement in a sector relevant to your qualification and study programme. The placement will take place 1 or 2 days per week on the days when you are not in college studying. Industry placements are designed to give you the skills to start work at the end of your studies, progress into an apprenticeship, or to add to your UCAS statement.
Course options
Level 2Mode
Full TimeCampus
1 yearStarting