Four photos of students

Last month students across North Kent College’s four campuses collected their Level 3 results, and there were many success stories!

Here we catch up with just a few to congratulate them on their achievements, talk to them about their experience at North Kent College and find out what they are up to next:

Sophie Gallon: Level 4 Foundation Diploma in Fine Art

Sophie was based at our Tonbridge campus and achieved a Distinction in her Level 4 Fine Art Diploma.Student in front of art work

After doing Fine Art at A Level Sophie studied her Foundation level diploma in Fine Art, knowing it would be “very useful when applying for an art university degree.”

“I've really enjoyed my time at North Kent College, I have fallen back in love with art,” Sophie said. “I was constantly pushed to try new things, experiment with my practice, and explore new mediums in all areas of Fine Art such as sculpture, painting, printmaking, and different methods of working. I was greatly inspired by my classmates and all the amazing work that was showcased throughout the studio and I am very much looking forward to continuing my journey in Winchester School of Art.”

Sophie’s foresight has paid off, she is now going to Southampton University, Winchester School of Art, to study Fine Art at degree level.

Polly Johnson: Level 3 Photography

Polly was based at our Dartford campus and achieved a Distinction in Level 3 Photography.

Student in seat with coastal background

Polly admits to being drawn to study at North Kent College initially by the photography facilities available, something she cites as helping her achieve the result she did.

“I was able to borrow equipment whenever I wanted, and I was able to use the studio and darkroom facilities for all of my work so I could ensure the best quality within my projects,” Polly said.

Polly also says that the best things about studying at NKC were the opportunities to engage with her passion and the people she met, both teachers and her peers.

Polly is now going to The University of the Arts London College of Fashion to study Fashion Photography.

Hannah Ridge: Level 4 Graphic Design

Hannah was based at our Tonbridge campus and achieved a Distinction in Level 4 Graphic Design.

Student smiling

Hannah admits to being “very happy and surprised” to get a Distinction in her Level 4 Graphic Design course but says with her tutors help she knew it was achievable.

“I am thrilled with the grade i received this year in my course. It definitely wouldn’t have been possible without my tutors and the facilities the College offers such as help in careers and the amazing library!” Hannah said.

“Studying at North Kent College pushed me above and beyond what I thought I could do and I’m so glad i decided to choose to do this course last year. Now I have received my grade i am ready to start applying to Graphic Design and Illustration careers.”

Hannah is now working part-time, whilst applying for Graphic Design jobs and apprenticeships.

Bethan Holman: Level 3 Theatrical, Special Effects and Media Make-up Artistry

Bethan was based at our Dartford campus and achieved a Distinction in Level 3 Theatrical, Special Effects and Media Make-up Artistry.

Beth Holman certificate jpg

“I was expecting to get a Merit so getting a Distinction was a nice surprise!” said Bethan after receiving her results.

As a slightly older student (she is 20), Bethan admits to initially being nervous about going back to College but it was made easier by the fact “all the lecturers and my classmates were so nice and welcoming”.

Bethan was quick to praise the College’s facilities saying: “For my course, we had access to a range of different tools, products and equipment that you would get in the industry which helped a lot when preparing for exams.”

Bethan also full of appreciation for the trips and activities that were part of her course, calling them “amazing”.

“We had masterclasses with industry professionals and visits to places like the Royal Opera House and The Prosthetics Event in Coventry” she said. “I have progressed a lot in my creativity and confidence over the last two years and I definitely owe that to the opportunities I have been given.”

Bethan is now going on to study Hair, Makeup and Prosthetics for Performance at the University of the Arts London College of Fashion. “I don't think I would be in this position now if it were not for the support I received from my tutors at North Kent College,” she said.

This year, over 2000 students achieved a Level 3 qualification at North Kent College (including Hadlow College, Kent’s only rural and land-based college).

David Gleed, Chief Executive and Executive Principal said: “It is wonderful to celebrate such fantastic achievements. Our students should be exceptionally proud that their dedication and hard work has put them in excellent positions for their next steps. I am extremely pleased that North Kent College has helped them on their journey”.

Well done to all of our students and the best of luck on the next steps of their journey!

If you are interested at studying at North Kent College we have a series of open days coming up:

  • Dartford: 15 October from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.
  • Gravesend: 17 October from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.
  • Tonbridge: 5 November from 3.30pm to 7.30pm.
  • Hadlow: 9 November from 10.00am to 1.00pm.

At our Open Days you can experience our industry-standard facilities first hand and speak to tutors and careers advisers who will advise and guide you should you wish to study here.

To book your place visit or (for Hadlow) or call us on 01322 629400.

You can also learn more about our wide range of courses.