North Kent College Travel & Tourism, Events & Hospitality and Business students from Dartford and Tonbridge campuses had the opportunity to visit New York as part of their studies.

Each year the department takes a long-haul trip to show students the opportunities within the events, travel and business industries throughout the world and how this can differ from the opportunities available within the UK.

Once they arrived at the New Yorker hotel in Manhattan, they headed out to Times Square for their first taste of the American lifestyle. The trip consisted of multiple activities including visiting Maddison Square Gardens for a backstage tour, exploring Manhattan and trying iconic American foods, visiting Central Park to see where many popular films took place, seeing Manhattan from the Top of the Rock Observatory and experiencing Staten Island. The trip was packed with activities and students were able to choose some of the things they got up to.

Noah Ash, Level 3 Travel and Tourism student said, “Having the chance to go on this trip was amazing, it really brought to life things we have learnt in the classroom. We were treated like adults on the trip and this enabled us to get to know other people on different courses and for us to get to know our lecturers as people outside of the classroom.”

Garry Butchers, Lecturer in Travel and Tourism said, “This was a great experience for our learners this really helped to bring to life some of the topics we have discussed in classroom. Learning through experience helps to embed this into our learners and help them understand to develop their skills and experience further.”

He continued “Offering students the experience to visit a long-haul destination and experience a different culture is something we are proud we can do. Seeing the students learn from real life experiences is great to watch and them grow in confidence and develop their social skills is outstanding. “

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