Access to Nursing & Healthcare Professions alumni, Rose Anne Gacho, was recently awarded the runner-up award for the Access Prize 2021- 22. The award was presented to her by the Laser Learning Awards, the awarding body validated the Access to Higher Education Diploma Rose Anne completed at North Kent College this year.

Laser Learning Awards host prizes each year. Nominations are invited for students who will have completed their studies during this academic year, on the basis that Access staff will have a sufficient evidence base at the end of the year to nominate students for the prizes.

Rose Anne was nominated for the Outstanding Commitment to Study prize by Abigail Ingram, Lecturer in Science at North Kent College. Students in this category should have shown outstanding commitment to their Access studies, perhaps in the face of difficult and challenging circumstances.

The nomination by Abigail detailed Rose Anne’s outstanding commitment to her studies. She detailed how Rose Anne overcame several personal challenges over the course of the academic year including when Rose Anne began the course, she had recently arrived from the Philippines with a very basic grasp of English.  Despite this, Rose Anne’s work was of an outstanding level from the outset. She achieved this by showing enormous determination and commitment, methodically researching topics, and editing her work, checking the English until it was of the high standard she was aiming for. Additionally, Rose Anne was employed as a night shift worker, so would often be exhausted during the day, but she never let this stop her, showing immense resilience and unwavering enthusiasm.

Rose Anne will be presented with a certificate and £100 cheque as a prize runner-up at the Annual LASER Access to HE Conference in the new year. 

Abigail Ingram said “I was extremely proud of Rose Anne when she reached the end of the course, having achieved distinctions in all graded units.  She left North Kent College, having grasped a wide subject knowledge, together with the skills of clear, concise writing, Harvard referencing and an ability to evaluate her performance and progress.  Rose Anne set herself the goal of becoming a nurse and she never lost sight of that.  Well done Rose Anne!”