Our Foundation Studies students have worked in collaboration with Award winning artist & Business Owner Katherine Jennings from Fine Art to raise £445.33 for the British Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

The foundation students initially got involved with Katherine via her art challenge on social media which involved creating sunflowers to show support to Ukraine. However, with the support and resources from their lecturer Marcia White they were able to create products to be sold both at the College and in Katherine’s shop in Rotherfield; all proceeds were donated to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal.

The students really enjoyed the process of making and selling the sunflower items for a good cause. Scott Griffin said “It felt good to do something nice for others and it was fun making them”.

Marcia White, Foundation Studies Lecturer commented, “It was lovely to see the learners able to make such intricate pieces with very little guidance and especially as many of our learners have difficulties with fine motor skills, they did an amazing job”.

Business Owner, Katherine Jennings said, “When Marcia asked me to help her raise money for much needed supplies for the Ukrainian refugees having to flee their beloved country, I was immediately on board”. She continued, “customers and locals within my community jumped at the chance to support the cause and we all wear these earrings with pride”.