North Kent College are delighted to announce Mark Lindop, local entrepreneur, has pledged to sponsor 3 more students on the charity programme Build Blitz, due to the success of the project last year.  

Back in 2017, 3 lucky students from North Kent College had a life changing experience in South Africa, courtesy of local entrepreneur Mark Lindop, who sponsored all three students on an amazing journey with Mellon Educate on “Build Blitz”. After supporting the college students last year, he was keen to replicate this financial support for another 2 students in November 2018. The 3 lucky students from North Kent College are Jake Ripley, Kieran Hewitt and Jordan MacPherson. Kieran Hewitt, commented, “We are so lucky to get this experience and we couldn’t be more grateful to Mark Lindop for this amazing opportunity.”

Build Blitz is a fantastic project, where volunteers from all over the world travel to Africa to lend a helping hand, building better infrastructure in underdeveloped African communities. The purpose of the charity is to help people and improve educational resources within underprivileged communities in South Africa. Since 2002 the charity, in conjunction with the South African government, and thanks to the enormous collective effort of 25,000 volunteers, has built houses for 125,000 homeless people in Africa’s poorest townships. 

Not only are the students from North Kent College grateful for this incredible opportunity, but they look forward to putting their knowledge and skills they have learnt from their studies into a real life scenario, where they will create a positive change for so many people. The students will also be able to build relationships with other like-minded volunteers who will also be participating in the project.

Phil Miles, Bricklaying lecturer NKC, spoke of how he was “looking forward to taking the students I’ve taught over the past 2 years on a life changing experience. For me, to give my insights to help build somewhere that will inspire, and improve, the lives of children in South Africa is extremely motivating”.

North Kent College are extremely proud that their students are getting involved with this amazing charity again this year and look forward to the result of the build.