Jade Legg, Level 3 Health and Social Care student at North Kent College was awarded by Kent County Council with the Try Angle Award for Good Friends & Young Carers within the Dartford District. 

Jade has been a student at North Kent College for the past four years and has progressed from Level 1 to her final year of the Extended Diploma Level 3. She has been working part -time in a Care Home for vulnerable adults for the last 18 months and it was in the first lockdown that Jade’s workload in the care home increased as Covid numbers were on the rise.

Alison Talbot, Curriculum Manager for Health and Social Care and Access nominated Jade for her outstanding commitment towards clients and their families after releasing the extent of support Jade provides in her job role. Jade wrote a letter for her personal tutor of a typical day at work which highlighted only part of what Jade was doing each day to support clients and families through this terrible pandemic. 

Alison said “'The Health and Social Care department are all extremely proud of Jade and her dedication to both her work and her education. Jade has demonstrated a great deal of maturity and courage and she is a kind and caring person and I am sure a great career awaits her.”

Jade said, “I was so shocked I got the award but it made me feel that through this bad time of Covid that I can achieve anything I set my mind to and the recognition of all that I have done is a real achievement and that something positive has come out of all of this”. 

jade legg