To mark 100 years since the armistice of WW1, students and staff from our Public Services and Construction departments across both Campuses organised a commemorative wreath-laying and remembrance ceremony on Friday 9th November to pay their respects to all of those who lost their lives during WW1.

There was a 2 minute silence to honour those who gave their lives for our country. 


Painting and maintenance students from Gravesend made “Tommy” figures and upon each soldier they put the details of a serviceperson who lived within the areas of Gravesend.

Joshua Talbot, Level 3 Public Services student “I think today is so important as we can should our solidarity and respect as a college”.

Nikki Franks, Curriculum Manager Public Services “Our Public Services students are all hoping to progress onto careers into various public services sectors, in order to support our nation. Our point of view as a college is that we want to help our students develop that spirit of service and to instil in them an understanding of what service means – and that means reflecting on those who have gone before us”. 
