A group of engineering students were lucky enough to be invited to attend an engineering STEM event hosted by the Royal Engineers at Brompton Barracks.

The event was part of the Year of Engineering 2018 National Campaign, with the Army being keen to broadcast how important STEM skills are for the modern Army to young people aged 17-24. They aimed to inspire, attract and inform young people about the technical and engineering skills utilized on a day-to-day basis.

With over 300 young people attending, the day was broken down into various events, giving the students an opportunity to participate in the tasks that engineers within the army have to do on a regular basis. Some of these included a building protection simulation, mine drilling in water and even building a model bridge to support as much weight as possible, with 3 of our students managing to support 7kg!

There was also an opportunity to sit down with serving soldiers, to hear about the work that they do, including specialist technical teams to explain and demonstrate the various military equipment currently being used.

Chris Kane, Lecturer in Electronic Engineering, commented "This was a fantastic opportunity for our engineering students to be out and see engineering in action. The benefit of seeing professional young men and women carrying out engineering trades complimented and enhanced everything we are doing in college to improve the destinations of our learners"