Boyband ‘Here at Last’ is formed of five artists; Zach, Tommy, Pedro, James and Ryan, they all met through social media after a mutual passion for the industry. As a result, they have created themselves a huge fan base, with their TikTok account reaching 2.5 million followers and they have released hits ‘Tongue’, ‘Happy’ and their most recent ‘Like the 90s’.

They have been touring schools and colleges around the UK to share their experience on how to stay safe online as well as Mental Health awareness and how various experiences can affect people.

Following the success of ‘Here at Last’ performing at North Kent College, the band went onto visit Hadlow College. At both colleges, they discussed mental health including the causes such as stress at college, relationships and much more. Also, sharing personal experiences, how they dealt with it and how to seek support.  

The pandemic created stress and uncertainty for many people, the band spoke about how we can all better handle the unpredictability and hardship in certain situations. With social media being a large part of every young person’s life, they spoke about how to stay safe online as well as discussing cyber bullying.

Trevor Fox, Student Engagement Officer, “We are very happy to welcome them to both Colleges as their message resonated with the students and they could take away some really useful information about the subjects from a group of youngsters similar to their age.”

He added, “These sessions were very well received by students and staff and are highly recommended.”

Current Equine student at Hadlow College said, “I thought it was very informative and they shared their own personal experiences which was good to make you not feel alone.”

Current Games Development student at North Kent College, said “The message they talked about is essential for the youth as mental health is such a sensitive topic to cover and they done it in a composed and professional manner.”