Elizabeth Rosendale has been awarded the Silver Medal for Health & Social Care in the World Skills National finals. Elizabeth was the only student representing the Southeast in the finals and will be North Kent College’s first ever National World Skills medallist!

Students Katie Taylor, Charlotte Wilkinson and Elizabeth Rosendale, all made it through the preliminaries - there was over 170 applications and all three came in the top 36 regional places. At the regionals, Elizabeth was awarded 3rd place which meant she went on to compete in the finals.

The final involved competing in a multiple-choice exercise, an online situational judgement and taking part in three 20–30-minute scenario tasks. Elizabeth also had to complete role play scenarios before a judging panel and complete a care plan in brief, as well as answer questions from judges. After standing out from the regionals and performing so well in the finals, Elizabeth came in a close second place with only a few points between her and the first-place position.

As a winner, Elizabeth will be considered for the UK Squad to compete at the international stage next year at Shanghai! North Kent College can’t wait to support Elizabeth even further with these fantastic achievements.

Elizabeth said, ‘I've really enjoyed the competition process and would definitely recommend this to other students.

Jane Gallard, Elizabeth’s tutor said, ‘We are so proud of the commitment and hard work Elizabeth has shown throughout this process and to be awarded the Silver medal for Health & Social Care in the Nationals is testament of the skills and attributes she has which is so deserving’.

Elizabeth has agreed to mentor other students and North Kent College will attend World Skills next year where the success will hopefully continue. Congratulations to Katie, Charlotte and Elizabeth on all your hard work!

Elizabeth Rosendale