Adam Karakilic, Production Arts student part of the Miskin Theatre at North Kent College used his natural flair and passion for costume making and design to focus on supporting the NHS with final recognition from the Kent County Council by receiving the Maidstone District ‘Try Angle Award’ for Community Action.

During the first lockdown, Adam wanted to put his skills to good use and find a way to support the NHS. He purchased his own sewing machine and started designing and manufacturing PPE scrubs for local Kent hospital staff. For each set of scrubs, he sourced fabric, cut the material to an accurate pattern before machining together with some hand sewing to ensure each set was finished to the specification and standard required to be used by hospital staff. Over 13 sets of scrubs were delivered to NHS workers; all of this was done alongside his college work. 

Sapphira Kelly-Trotman, Instructor in Wardrobe, Miskin Theatre at North Kent College said ''Adam is an organised and self-motivated technician. He has worked hard to build a reputation as a reliable and valuable member of the costume team, and I would be happy to leave him in charge of his peers as I know he would get the jobs done. His understanding of sewing patterns is exceptional given that he is self-taught.” 

She continued “since starting the Technical Theatre course three years ago, Adam has shown outstanding dedication to his training and committed fully to expanding his knowledge and ability as a costume maker. I am so proud of what he has achieved for himself and the NHS and it's great that he has been recognised for his efforts.'' 

Adam Karakilic said “I am incredibly thankful for this award. I am currently studying Technical Theatre at the Miskin Theatre, and I specialise in the costume department, making costumes for our shows that we produce. In lockdown last year, I found myself bored at home, and I was missing sewing. So, I thought an excellent way to make use of my time and to improve my sewing skills, would be to sew scrubs for local healthcare workers, as at the time they were desperate for PPE! It wasn't easy, but it was an enjoyable project, I set up a fundraiser to help with the fabric costs as I had to buy over 30 meters of material which was very expensive. Still, I am very thankful for those who donated to that and supported me. This award has motivated me to continue sewing after I finish college and has proven to me that this is my profession.

Well done Adam for your continued efforts to support the community and the NHS.
