This year Children in Need was celebrated across all our campuses at North Kent College. Multiple departments took part in fundraising activities in aid of the charity! Here’s what they got up to…

The acting & technical theatre departments celebrated Children in Need by having a coloured clothing day. As the theatre students normally wear plain black clothing, they thought they would change things up and allow everyone to wear bright clothing when donating £1 to Children in Need. They raised £150! 


Our LTC’s across all campuses also participated in the fundraising activities. Staff and students were invited to come and view our baby photos and then fill out a guessing form to match the baby to the correct member of our team (it’s surprisingly difficult). They asked for a small donation to Children in Need either into our collection tin, or directly to the charity and raised £40.24 in total!


Our Hospitality and Catering students at the Gravesend campus ran a bake sale to raise funds for Children in Need. They baked all the treats themselves and sold them to students and staff, raising £90.54 for the charity!

cake sale cake   cake sale

During the week of Children in Need other departments got involved too. Hairdressing students at our Tonbridge Campus preformed treatments to members of the public and sold cookies - all proceeds went to Children in Need, and they raised over £200.

In addition, Level 1 and Level 2 Art students took part in a pyjama day, donating money to Children in Need to spend the day in their PJ’s!

Finally, our Built Environment students went around the Tonbridge Campus collecting change from staff and students for the charity. They were supposed to dress up but only their Tutor made the commitment!

built students